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Yandex 360 is a suite of Russian digital services for working with documents, storing files, and communicating

Yandex 360 includes:




HSE University is providing every student with full access to all Yandex 360 services in place of currently used Microsoft services.

Comparison of Yandex 360 and Microsoft digital services:



Yandex 360

MS Outlook (edu.hse.ru)

Sending and receiving emails

Yandex Mail

MS Teams

Instant messaging

Yandex Messenger

Audio and video calls

Yandex Messenger

Online meetings

Yandex Telemost

MS Office365

Viewing and editing online text files, tables, and presentations

Yandex Documents

MS OneDrive

Cloud storage

Yandex Disk

MS OneNote


Yandex Notes

MS SharePoint

Creating spaces and sites for joint work

There is no Yandex 360 equivalent. We are currently looking for other options./p>

Other Microsoft cloud services


There is no Yandex 360 equivalent. We are currently looking for other options.
